Friday, February 25, 2011

Weekend Overrated?

Hi guys,how's your day going? Thanks a lot for stopping by once again. Obviously,this is not the best of the lot but you still visit this little girl's blog to read through;thanks a whole lot!!
Allow me to sound cliched; Thank God it's Friday!!!!!!! Every-time i say that on my radio show,i just roll my eyes immediately because i honestly think people are tired of that line right now. Maybe we should come up with a different phrase then. Meanwhile, while you're yelling TGIF, your employer will sure not want to spoil your fun because by Monday morning, he/she will also yell TGIM (Thank God it's Monday,your butts is back at work).
ITWWAH?(Is that why we are here) Well I'm sorry i just had to digress a little bit. While growing up (I didn't have the best of childhood by the way,might share some with you as time goes on),the only reason i always looked forward to weekends was because school closed(s) by 1300hrs and there were no extra moral lessons.. I also loved the fact that i would go to my cousins house(they lived next street) and would watch TV/VHS(my mum had a black and white TV that worked whenever it chose to). My cousins had a big color TV and we would also watch Yoruba movies and cartoons/Telematch and all. Saturdays were fun too because my cousins had a constant meal for Saturday breakie;and that was Pap and Moi Moi (in the leaf o);i always loved that though.
I also loved the fact that Sundays were fun,we would go to church together (Arch Bishop Vinning Memorial Church) and right after,eat rice and stew for lunch. Then some 'good uncles' would come around to see my Uncle and settle us afterward.
After my Primary school education,i moved to Ogun state for my secondary education(boarding house) so weekends weren't too amazing to me except i had more than enough cash at hand.
But nowadays,people scream weekend like its a 1wk break.It's not even up to 3days people!!!! I love weekends but i can honestly do without them. Most people that look forward to the weekend rarely enjoy it. Don't scream,allow me break it down for you.
Friday-You close late from work say 8pm,get home say 9pm(subject to where on lives o!). You get home and feel like clubbing. You get back say 5am the following morning.
Saturday-You're already knocked out for the most part of Saturday(cos of last night). Let's assume a friend of yours is getting married that same Saturday,you decide to attend,get back home say 7pm and start preparing for church the next day. Sunday-Right after church,you start preparing for Almighty Monday,then sleep for most part of the day. What if there are a couple of Premiership matches? Then,may God help you because I can't.
I know a lot of us don't operate with the above,but let's talk people,do we really enjoy our weekends like that? I personally think the weekend is highly overrated jare...

P.S : While you're still disagreeing with me,enjoy my Friday/weekend track; Lupe Fiasco- The Show Goes On....
Do have a fab weekend ahead of you!!!!!


  1. Yeahi also tink d weekend is overrated but d thing is dat most of d function u are to attend most time is weekend so dats a time out for u to flex...lets come to tink of it after saturday d weekend is over.Nice piece jare Am a very good fan KEEP D GOOD WORK UP.

  2. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! The weekend is over,over, and overrated. For someone like me,i dnt have weekends. I work from mondays to fridays,go for lectures on saturdays(all day)and sundays for service after which i go for meetings! Keep it up jooooooooor! Osheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
