Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sleep well Yewande Odukoya.

It's exactly one year today that you left this world Yewande Odukoya. I've tried recollecting how we actually met each other but honestly, I still can't. Yewande, you deserve more than a blogpost from me. Or maybe I should have penned this a long time ago but I wasn't brave enough to write about our short time together. Besides, in the past one year, I just couldn't accept your death. But one year after and you're still not back (from the journey i thought in my head), I've had to accept the sad realization that you've indeed left us.

Yewande, you were my cousin, sister and best friend while growing up. Your house was like my living room cos I was always there right after my lessons in the afternoon. Your dad, God bless his soul was one of the nicest men that ever walked this earth. Do you remember how daddy would drive all of us in his Cream colored Peugeot Station Wagon to Archbishop Vining Memorial Church every Sunday? Do you remember how you were 'allergic to the smell of fuel' and daddy (Uncle Lanre) had a bottle of lime (osan wewe) in his brown bag for you every time? Oh dear! That brown bag!! Filled with newspapers (The Guardian to start with), lime etc. Everything was in that brown bag. Lol

Yewande, you were very pretty, very blunt (to a fault maybe), very generous and could cry for days!!! Jeeeez! The myth then was that you were christened 'Aina' cos of your unending cries. Your dad always complained about you talking too much and wanted you to 'be like Nike' (whatever he meant by that 😂😄) but I loved you for that hyper you. It was either your way or no way Yewande - that was the you I knew while growing up. You fought for me Yewande and I'm still thankful for that (I'm sure you understand what I really mean by this).

Your mum's eba and stew for dinner was the ish back then. Guess what? I actually boil my meat/chicken with garlic now cos I picked that from your mum's cooking 😃. I'm still grateful.

I do remember how we'd sit on the toilet seat together (at the same time)and pee/poop cos we just wanted to be together at all cost (gross, I know 😤😃). You unknowingly boosted my little self esteem (I had none to be candid but you helped in your own little way).

I do remember the last time I saw you (at your dad's funeral). You had changed but I wasn't sore or bitter, I just accepted you for that. Things didn't go well with us for sure but I was hoping I'd come to London and show up at your doorstep and probably say "Madam, don't you think it's high time we sorted things out?

When I heard you were in a coma, I kept praying for you because I knew how strong you were and not for once did I ever think of death. I always thought you'd pull through, I desperately wanted you to make it, I rooted for you all the way. But God had other plans.

Yewande, you alone knew the pains you endured during your health challenges, I, can only imagine. I do hope you're in a better place now. What you heard or what I heard don't matter right now - I'd trade all the bullcrap to have you back right now.

Your lil' boy Elijah clocked 2 last week and we attended his little bash. I'd planned to be strong but I ended up breaking down. I couldn't hold back the tears despite the fact that I'd cried before leaving the house. Your presence was deeply missed Yewande. Your mum misses you a whole lot but she's trying to stay strong. I promised her I'd check on her as frequently as possible. Elijah would never know how amazing his mum was. He looks so much like you (the lips and the eyes) I felt you almost spat him out. He's such a cute lad.

Rest well lil cousin. I love you a whole lot. Do give Uncle Lanre my love. Tell him thanks and that I still miss him.

PS: Yewande, I had to use lots of smileys to mask the tears.


  1. I was visiting random blogs I used to love and noticed there was a new post up.
    I don't know Yewande but I feel like I now know her a little.

    I'm sorry about her passing on... sorry you weren't as close as you used to be when you were younger.

    I'd like to say I understand how you feel, but I'm sure I don't. Keep being strong and you could be among the few people who'd tell her lil boy how wonderful his mum was.

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  20. A shown that men who consume adequate amounts of vitamin D have a lower amount of fat in their abdominal region. How to get it: When exposed to sunlight, the human body to produce vitamin D on their own, but most men do not spend enough time in the sun to meet their vitamin D needs. Fortified milk and fish, such as tuna and salmon are also good sources of vitamin D, but even men who have a diet rich in these foods may benefit from vitamin D supplements in the form of pills or drops. Men

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    a good plate of rice of about 150 grams is calculated. It contains about 250 calories compared Biolean Garcinia to six slices of bread that have about 67 grams. It reaches 180 calories and if you eat the bread and cutting about eight slices calorie intake is 132. That is the amount corresponding to 50 grams. bread.

  25. What does it about?

    Size does matter. It is apparent as we females anticipate our associate to have lengthy penis even after they age then why they shouldn’t anticipate that from us. Aging causes the raised derrière to look dropping and not so sexually attracting our associate. It will become difficult to hold onto your ideal butt.

    So what do you do?

    To get the coveted hourglass determine, the dimensions of your bosom and your butt matters a lot and this 's butt pads and the squat have invented. But they are all for a momentary don’t you wish to have curved and larger grows. Now this is possible with the Booty pop. In essence, the ingredients in it Booty pop take care of the degree of wetness which gets lost once we age returning into the epidermis. It also has body fat offering a more quantity to your overall base by looking into creating it look fat. It enables you to enhance your shapes by enhancing the degree of bovine collagen.

    What are its substances and how do they perform in providing me the larger bottom?

    Soy protein: – It is filled with necessary protein and is the ideal remedy to get a larger buttocks. It will overall tone your hip muscles and along with it also increases the muscles on the base. It is recommended by many physicians to those females who wish to put on bodyweight in the feminine places. But how do you use it you may wonder. Well, it contains phytoestrogens which have a huge impact on providing you shapes.

  26. Clinamax Headings to devour:
    Tongkat Ali: This antiquated herb helps with expanding the moxie levels while adjusting the development of testosterone in your body in order to enhance your execution all through the bed.
    Tribulus Terrestris: Clinamax is a testosterone boosting intensify that has been utilized to diminish your fat, form tore muscles, help workout execution and furthermore bolster a solid level of charisma to make you feel like an entire man.
    Magnesium: Your body requires this basic supplement so as to remain solid. As Clinamax assumes an indispensable part to regulate glucose levels, nerve work circulatory strain and making protein,Zinc: Found in cells all through the body, this supplement helps your safe framework to fight against microbes and infections. Additionally, Clinamax is utilized to make protein and DNA.

  27. CLX Male EnhancementTongkat Ali Extract is another awesome Asian herb. Medical advantages ascribed to this plant are various and they incorporate, among numerous, antimicrobial exercises and change of blood dissemination.

    Saw Palmetto Extract, is a concentrate of the Saw Palmetto natural product. This pharmaceutical is utilized for treating an assortment of urinary and regenerative issues.CLX Male Enhancementis sheltered to utilize and from the get-go going exploration is demonstrating its advantages as an exercise supplement and testosterone sponsor.

  28.">Erorectin</aWe have found a number of good products that have worked well for us, and they include:
    Erorectin– a brand name in the male enhancement industry, and a proven player in the game. It’ll 100% correct your erection problems, as well as give you an increase in sex-drive, libido, and penis size
    FCK Power – as you can probably guess, this product will give you plenty of energy and performance to have amazing sex. But it’ll also increase the flow of blood to your penis, giving you bigger and harder erections.
    Sexual Overdrive – this product is designed to be take when needed (or every day if you really need to), and it’ll completely correct your hormonal and blood-flow imbalance, giving you better erections.
    Work On Your Game
    One of the reasons why men see such bad erections is because they have no game, or have lost their touch. If you’re not getting aroused properly, of course you’re not going to achieve a diabolically large member to show off to your lady. When all else fails, try using lube, sex toys, and porn. All of these should do the trick just fine.

  29. Vital Test ExtremeL-Arginine: This ingredient is probably added in the supplement to ensure muscle building. This process is carried out safely without causing side effects to other parts of the body. Not only this, Vital Test Extremeis also responsible for increasing the production of sperms and semen in the male body making Vital Test Extrememore reproductive.
    Ginseng and Tongkat Ali: These two are yet other essential ingredients which is quite helpful for keeping users in good health. With accumulated energy in the body, males are able to burn a lot of fat and excel during the whole sexual activity. This indeed gives immense pleasure to the man and enables him take charge of the whole activity.
    The above mentioned are the ingredients which forms the components of the supplement. Vital Test Extremeis essential for the users to note, that each ingredient is natural and can be consumed without fearing of any side effects from it.

  30. Unfortunately, if you don't catch a melanoma until Nuvega Lash reaches Nuvega Lash stage, the prognosis is grim. "I hate to be dire, but if you're experiencing these signs because a melanoma has metastasized, you're already in big trouble," Friedman says.

    MORE: The 10 Most Agonizing Conditions

    There's also no predicting where a melanoma skin is likely to appear or take root. "Melanoma is really all over the position," he describes. "There's really no predictable design."

    Hopefully, the takeaway from all of Nuvega Lash is clear: You need to concentrate on your epidermis, and you need to see a doctor if you observe something strange going on.

  31. Wild Yam Extract – While this attract out is often used as an all-natural estrogen therapy, it can also be used in men to increase their sex-related produce and to boost energy.
    Orchid Extract – Even though orchid is most well-known for its fragrance when used in cosmetics, it also has a look at the whole personal human body. The leaves of the Orchid plant contain Anthocyanins, which are plant pigments classified as flavonoids. WebMD explains that the attract out may help to boost athletic and real performance, as well as be a stimulant for developing dimethylarylamine.
    Sarsaparilla Main Extract – Sarsaparilla contains impressive elements that have advantages of men sexual interest and real performance. According to Jon Barron, the attract out also contains plant-based androgenic hormone or testosterone that may assist with organic produce of progesterone and androgenic hormone or androgenic hormone or testosterone.

  32. Vital Test Extreme it increases the production by time consuming and gradual process. Thus, getting every pills is necessary. It is helpful in improving the endurance and degree of your. it gives you the endurance to lift more at the gym and join hard training sessions. Vital Test Extremealso allows you to healthier sexually. It is responsible for the improved sexual interest. It will improve developing men sex hormones. It gives you better pushes and enables you to create your performance extraordinary. This complement allows in the developing of strong and rippled muscle cells. It also increases the muscle cells attached to the bones. It is the ultimate solution for bodybuilding and improves sexual interest.


  33. Andronite Enhanced :- Low testosterone prompted poor sexual execution has customarily been connected to andropause, the procedure of age-instigated testosterone misfortune, yet startling insights as of late discharged in a 2007 populace concentrate found that the testosterone levels of the whole US populace have been diminishing consistently in the course of the most recent 30 years, free of age.
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  34. Tharlax RX :- In a day, you simply need to take 2 pills so do keep this thing in your brain. To purchase Tharlax RX, you have to fill one enlistment frame that is accessible at the official site of this supplement. On the off chance that you need to reach there effectively, at that point just tap on the symbol or flag, beneath. Hustle just a bit clients, put in your request as right on time as could be expected under the circumstances. To be sure! It's just plain obvious, in case you're expecting huge change in your sexual execution then you need to utilize this male virility supporter for at least 90 days.
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  35. Tharlax RX :- You folks will have a hard time believing what amount discouraged I was.Be that as it may, soon my sexual coexistence got energized.Imaging, how? All things considered, the whole credit goes to Tharlax RX, a male improvement recipe detailed to help those folks who wish to supercharge their exhausting sexual coexistence, by and by. Depending on this supplement, will enable clients to accomplish longer-enduring erections, to better stamina and supported sex drive.
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  36. Testo Boost XS :- Testo Boost XS is a characteristic muscle assemble supplement basically intended for the hormones refilling since when we age out body experiences the vast majority of the progressions which unquestionably chooses our body's wellbeing status. What's more, there are two times when we confront hormonal irregularity in our entire life which prompts significant changes in our body and way of life.
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  38. Rapid Tone With so many natural supplements on the market today, it can be difficult to know which products produce the best results – however, Rapid Tone Weight Loss has been used since the 1970’s, and has been recommended by many medical professionals for its plethora of health benefits.

    In fact, the supplement even featured on the popular syndicated television talk show, The Dr Oz Show, where the host recommended the product to blast belly fat. Other benefits of Rapid Tone Weight Loss include increasing the amount of lean muscle mass on the body, and supporting metabolic function – both of which are ideal when trying to lose weight. This article explains the origins of this product, how it can help you to lose weight, and the other medical ailments it has been proven to help.

    So, what exactly is Rapid Tone Weight Loss?

    Rapid Tone Weight Loss is a natural supplement which has been derived from the herb coleus Rapid Tone Weight Loss – part of the mint family of herbs – which can be found in Nepal, Thailand and Sri Lanka. In India, medical practitioners have used the herb for years to treat patients with heart disease, asthma, and other conditions. Researchers in the 1970’s isolated the chemically active ingredient in the herb and found it to have a positive effect on the muscles and blood pressure. During the 1980’s, 1990’s, and 2000’s, the supplement was used in nearly 20,00 studies because of its effect on a cell-regulating substance called cyclic adenosine monophosphate, or cAMP for short.

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  82. Keto slim max It's important to me because they are looking at the whole body, not just the physical part, but also the emotional and mental health,” she says. Remember, once you have started eating most of your food raw, your energy level will be a lot higher, you will feel a lot healthier and cooked food will have less appeal.To start tracking your weight-loss progress, tap "Health Data" and then "Body Measurements." If you've entered body weight data before, you'll find it at the top of the screen in orange. Make your raw choices wisely and don't abandon the foods you love, keep the balance of raw and cooked to suit your taste as some foods are better digested by the body when cooked, while others are just fine in their raw state.While consuming lots of milk and other dairy has been shown to raise blood levels of human IGF, the increase is probably not a direct effect of the animal's IGF level or the IGF found in these foods. Na transparentach macie napisane, ze zycie ludzkie zalezy od waszej wyplaty - to bardzo szczerze - sugerujecie spoleczenstwu ze albo dostaniecie kase albo pacjenci beda umierac bo Wam sie nie bedzie chcialo nimi zajmowac.Stress is known to cause some of the most unhealthy conditions for living including high blood pressure, overeating and obesity , heart disease , weakened immune system and more. So start reaching for the raw foods when you feel a snack attack, there is nothing healthier than a handful of mixed nuts or a juicy apple.At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization WHO, in 1948, Health was defined as being "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". Since all the body's blood flows through the heart, it is best to keep that muscle as healthy as possible, so your body can receive fresh, clean blood to function.

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